Monday, March 24, 2008

Puddle panic continues

As if two pee pee stories isn't enough, I have yet one more. The last one involved a girlfreind from the Catholic school I attended, this one involves a cousin and the Catholic church we attended.

It's really quite the same scenario. I was about the same age as in my last story . . . what is it about that age? I guess everything is funny then. Anyway, my cousin and I were in church. I whispered something to her that must have struck her funny. She started to snigger and was trying to hold it in (the laughter that is). Seeing how uncomfortable she was getting trying to stifle the giggles only made me persist in trying to make her laugh more. I was successful and true to the story thread, she wet her pants in the pew.

What is it about me making people laugh so hard they wet their pants? Thankfully this has not happened at work (to date . . that I know of).


Mamacita Chilena said...

If it happened at work people probably just wouldn't tell you :)

Rachel said...

After having two kids and an aversion to kegel exercises I am very cautious of laughing in public.

Ritamae said...


I know what you mean. Jumping on a trampoline after having 2 kids does me in every time!